Why Cajuzi?

Welcome to Cajuzi..!

Who knows where this may lead.  I will be writing about many things, mainly anything that makes me think ”hang on a minute?”

So why Cajuzi?

Well, in short, I wanted a word that was well… short I guess. About six letters should do it I thought.  I spent hours working through what seemed like thousands of words, drawing blanks everywhere. I threw together letters hoping to strike upon a good combination that worked…

…and eventually, Eureka! My eldest daughter reminded me of something that my youngest daughter used to say. Instead of saying jacuzzi she would always say “cajuzi”.

So there you have it. Watch this space, I’ll be back soon…

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One Response to Why Cajuzi?

  1. Boyd Lemon says:

    Cute, Mark. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks for the invitation, Terry.

    Boyd Lemon-Author of “Digging Deep: A Writer Uncovers His Marriages,” a memoir about the author’s journey to understand his role in the destruction of his three marriages, designed to help others deal with problems in their own relationships. Available in print and EBook. September only EBook sale $.99 on Amazon.com and BarnsandNoble.com.

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